Monday, 10 December 2012

Relative pronouns

Dear students,
Some useful activities to use in class or at home.
1. Relative 1
2. Who or which?
3. Relative 2

See you in class

Monday, 26 November 2012

Subject vs object pronouns

Dear students,
I think it's a good idea if you check what you know about subject and object pronouns.
Try these activities in order (check your answers and write down your score,  any questions you may have, etc.)
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Exercise 6
Exercise 7
Good luck and remember: Practice makes perfect!!!
See you in class.

Friday, 16 November 2012

From now on (Supertramp)

This one is for you, Miquel! One of your favourite bands...Wherever you are...
See you around.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Present simple or continuous?

Dear students,

Here you'll find some very interesting and useful activities to do in class to revise the present simple and continuous.
See you around...

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

History makers

Hello everyone,
These are some of the projects that our 1st ESO students produced about history makers. You've done a great job...
1. Núria B. (1r B) : Michael Jackson
2. Eva R. (1r B): Elvis Presley
3. Carla V. (1r B): Mozart
4. Carlos R. (1r B): Shakespeare
5. Jordi R. (1r B): Christopher Columbus
6. Anna C. (1r B): Marilyn Monroe
7. Carla P. (1r B): Leonardo da Vinci
8. Blanca V. (1r A): Thomas Edison
9. Adriana G. (1r B): Steve Jobs
10. Razvan Alin F. (1r B): Sabin Balasa

View more documents from Jose M. Truco
11. Marina S. (1r B): Freddie Mercury

View more documents from Jose M. Truco
12. Roger M. (1r B): Thomas Edison

View more documents from Jose M. Truco

Well done!!! Have a good summer!!

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Conditional sentences

Dear students,
This is for the ones who are working on conditional sentences. If you practise, you'll improve.
1. First conditional I
2. First conditional II
3. First conditional III
See you around.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

The Latest Craze

Dear students,
Our 3r ESO students have created some very nice blogs about their latest crazes. There are many different topics (apart from FASHION!!!!) and designs. Well done everyone!!

 Sara M., Thais and Mika (3r A) -  FF - Fashion and Films / Fashion and Films (2)
Sergi F. (3r B.) - Parkour
Pau and Dani (3r B) - The Walking Dead 
Paula and Núria G. (3r B) - Pets for Everybody
Sònia R. and Sabrina (3r B) - Fashion
Roger T. (3r B) - Music Today
Joan (3r A) - Mixed Arts
Ferran and Roger C. (3r A) - The Golden Ball
Clàudia and Júlia V. (3r A) - Celebrities and Fashion
Jordi (3r A) - Apple World 
Adrià and Manel (3r A) - Lestohack (!!!!)
Lluís (3r A) - Jumpstyle
Marc and Angela (3r A) - Music is my life 
Marcos (3r B) - Italian Food
Maria and Mònica (3r A) - About Fashion
Sara P. and Núria L. (3r B) - Crazy about Fashion
Roger V. (3r B) - Kenichi
Lorena (3r A) - Animals and Nature
Cristina and Montserrat (3r B) - Women
Andrea and Sònia N. (3r B) - Dresses

See you around...

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

British vs American English

Dear students,
Some videos related to British and American English and their different accents and pronunciation.
1. American Accent training
2. British English vs American English

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Grammar videos

Dear students,

Here is a video about the past continuous:

And another video, this time about the present continuous:


Saturday, 11 February 2012

Present perfect 3r ESO (II)

Dear students,
Here you are some of your presentations on the topic we have been working on. Well done!!
1.Júlia and Clàudia (3r a)

3. Marcos (3r B):

4.Roger and Marc (3r B)

See you around.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Present Perfect...(3r ESO)

Dear students,
Some short "movies" about the wonderful world of the "present perfect".
1. Present perfect for experience
2. Present perfect with "yet" and "already"
3. Present perfect vs past simple (1)
4. Present perfect or past simple (2)
4. Present perfect in songs
And some good sites where you can learn more about the "present perfect" (already, yet, still)
Thanks a lot for your contribution.
See you around

Thursday, 2 February 2012